Do you know what? It’s OK to enjoy yourself! It’s OK to laugh, smile, and have fun. That has come across clearly I think during the Olympics and currently the Paralympics. Not only the athletes of course, but their families, the crowd, all those in the park, those having their photo taken by gold post boxes, and even the commentators! Some of the shots of the commentators going mad were brilliant (especially when Mo Farah won his second gold in the 5K!). All too often we don’t think we are supposed to be happy or enjoy life! I often heard comments at sea along the lines of ‘Won’t be happy again till we are back in Plymouth Sound’ …Helen has a tee shirt that says ‘Celebrate all that’s good’. There is much to celebrate, and as Christians we often focus on the not too good stuff … often coz we want to pray about it, and of course that’s good and proper … but God also wants us to look out for the good stuff, the positive stories, and of course the media doesn’t like good news … but I think that has changed during the Olympics! Before they started it was all doom and gloom, they were going to be rubbish, the entire London transport system was going to collapse, security was going to be a nightmare. Team GB were not going to perform etc etc … but that’s all forgotten now … and we are looking at the positives …. which I think is lifting the morale across the nation – some call it the feel-good factor ! it’s OK to see the good things! No need to go for the false smile …
Go for the real one … and as Christians we have so much to smile about … and even when our lives seem tough … surely knowing God in our lives there is no need to feel guilty when we do feel happy, when we laugh … Christianity is not about ‘woe is me, I’m a miserable sinner’ … it’s about ‘Wow is me … I’m a forgiven sinner’.
Think that will do for now …. go on smile and have a good old laugh, its allowed – it must be its in the Bible …
Psalm 91 v 1 – 2 ‘I’m thanking you, God, from a full heart, I’m writing the book on your wonders. I’m whistling, laughing, and jumping for joy; I’m singing your song, High God’.
Psalm 35 8 – 10 ‘But let me run loose and free, celebrating God’s great work, Every bone in my body laughing, singing, “God, there’s no one like you. You put the down-and-out on their feet and protect the unprotected from bullies!”