As a member of CVM 50 Plus Group, comfortably advanced within the age range, I find it increasingly difficult in remembering where I have left my glasses. My memory must have been pretty good in the past as I managed to pass a few exams. But now I’m more reminded of the Ken Dodd joke, when he found himself half way up the stairs and called out to his brother, ‘’Harry, Harry, am I climbing up the stairs or coming back down them?’’
Well so what? Time passes and we advance through the generations. Yes, but we have been taught to memorise scripture. Can we hang on to it, despite failing memory? We know that God’s Word can transform our lives and also help us to minister to others, knowing what we say has God-given authority.
Cue ‘Chairman Carl’. I recall him advising us that there is help out there. I cannot remember where or when he said it but it must have stuck somewhere in the recesses of my mind that ‘Navigators’ produce helpful aids and materials to assist in remembering bible verses. I asked around as to what was Navigators? Of course my wife, as wives do, knew all about Navigators and advised me that surely everyone else knows about them too!
Several months (maybe years) went by until noticing an increasing difficulty even to remember one bible verse caused me to seek out the name Navigators on the Internet. Sure enough they do produce a resource. So diving in, I ordered up the kit and eagerly awaited the postal delivery.
I have not been disappointed. I’ll just quote a little from the introduction:-
‘’You have discovered some good reasons for memorising scripture. But note that is not an end in itself. It must be followed by prayerful meditation and obedience.”
- Scripture memory puts God into your mind
- Prayerful meditation puts God into your heart
- Obedience puts God’s Word into action
Wow! The programme of learning verses commences with 2 per week. The first verse focuses on ‘Christ at the Centre’:
“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation, the old has gone, the new has come.” 2 Corinthians 5:17
Only another 6 weeks to go and then I see an introduction to ‘The Wheel’. It reads, ‘’Every Christian should get his power and motivation for his life from Christ!’’ And by then I’ll have memorised 12 verses of scripture. I’m feeling my memory is getting stronger already. Oh, now where have I left my glasses……………….?
p.s. for those who may not know about Navigators, try