In Luke 2 v49 we find Jesus replying to his parents as recorded in The Message: “Why were you looking for me? Didn’t you know that I had to be here, dealing with the things of my Father?” Jesus had put God’s work as his first priority. The question facing us is where do we put God in our daily order of priorities? And how honest are we going to be in answering it? Do we put him first in all things?
We have responsibilities to our family and employer if we are still working but do we sit down with our Father and sort out how He wants us to plan the activities we are involved in. Jesus knew His priorities but do we? And if we do are they in line with His?
To be able to make the right choice we must have clear and consistent communication with our Lord and know Him as our Father anchored by grace and mercy in his family. When we are sure of our position in Him we will find He will show us the order in which He wants us progress and how he will lead us to achieve them. As we follow Him and obey His commands He will show us the results that will be mind blowing.
Clarity of vision means clarity of purpose so that every time we step outside the front door we will recognise that we are going out and about on God’s business. As we make our journeys we are going to see how He is giving us constant encouragement as His agents for change.
Jesus knew His priorities and vision and through Him so can we. Are you up for the challenge that he has given?