What would your reaction be if Jesus turned up at your place of work, the local social club, at your retirement home or was seen wandering around the streets of our towns and cities? How would you respond if Jesus tapped you on the shoulder and said I need you as one of the team that I am going to use to change the world? Would you be able to take it all in or would it just overwhelm you?
All this is happening before your mind goes into overdrive and words come out of your mouth that make no sense at all. Then the penny drops just who is with you and you begin to think what people will say if you take up His challenge? It will take us out of our comfort zone and will be beyond anything we have previously experienced and require sacrifices to be made.
Just as the disciples must have felt it will be like stepping out on an adventure without any preparation on our part but one in which we will have to put our trust in Jesus ways we haven’t done before. It is going to be an on the job learning experience with one to one tuition taught by our Saviour in a manner that cannot be replicated by anyone else. It will be so unique we will absorb His passion and vision which will become part of us that it will transform any reluctance or resistance we may have had.
It will be an introduction to the call to be part of the great commission that we find recorded in Matthew 28:19-20:-
“Therefore go and make disciples of the nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach these disciples to obey all the commands I have given you and be sure of this I am with you to the end of the age.”
(New Living Translation)
The world is on our door stop so let’s obey our Lord’s command for now is the time to become active in His Service.