There comes a time when stepping out from what may seem a relatively small world becomes something of a challenge; a moving on, a passage of rites, a personal extension that brings a larger world view. This truism is often shaped when we start thinking about owning a car. To be successful in broadening our world we must first jump into a car and begin to experience the freedoms of the open road. Of course, our first steps are caught up by a certain amount of nervousness and heightened adrenaline surges as we realise that to have these new experiences, we must first submit to a new learning regime. As we set out on this new venture we are also entering what is to some extent an alien environment, we may have travelled by vehicle many times but now we are in control, or at least we may think we are. Our current experiences have not equipped us for the freedom we thought we might wish to have. Watching the world go by from the passenger seat is not the same as sitting in front of a steering wheel for the first time; having full responsibility of entering the alien world of speed, traffic, road signs, other road users and hazards.
We can’t just pick up a copy of the Highway Code, read it and think we can drive a car, nor can we read the latest driving manual, watch the video, take the Theory Test, think we have cracked it and off we go; No.
We need a teacher, an instructor someone to guide us through the process, someone who can drive us through the myriad of instructions and the knowledge needed for the expectation of this new found freedom; we need to become proficient as a driver. The instructor helps us to focus on the immediate world, both inside and outside the car. They help us to sort out the priorities, what the knobs and buttons do, the internal and external spaces around us, objects of danger, concentration increases, and minor details take on significance, speed and movement can become a threat. At this time, it is far removed from the immediate freedom that we thought we might have! As confidence grows, skills increase, experience is gained and more and more our horizons broaden. The potential of freedom on the open road is just around the corner, our sense of what the future might hold is full of expectations; and then; we have a total stranger jump in the car to test us! Oh no!
This is the crunch point. Will this stranger like me? Pass or fail? Tension increases.
Our freedom depends on the next three quarters of an hour of testing, are we good enough? Will our nerves hold? Will we be free to go alone into the big wide-open spaces of the highways?
For some the test, an accumulation of all that’s gone before, is a fearful experience and they crack under the strain. They have to endure the tension of being tested on numerous occasions, or give up; for others it’s a challenge to be faced and the successful outcome affirms and confirms their ability, or who they are.
We should never dismiss the driving test, it is probably one of the few lessons in life which demands that we travel with someone watching over us; having someone constantly at our side teaching us how to drive; preparing us to pass the driving test. You then have a total stranger, the examiner, who will travel with you in the vehicle testing your skills and judgments, and on whom rests the immediate decision as to pass or fail.
Hooray! You are now free to go solo. You may be one of those who realize very quickly that whilst having your driving license you are still very inexperienced. None the less you are free, and an open road awaits. You can go out and buy your first car, or chat to the person who owns a car and do some persuading…
When we become a Christian, so a new journey begins. We get to know Jesus, who will teach and lead us on this incredible new journey.
The Bible is our manual; we need to constantly be in touch with it, it is our road map guiding and sharing the journey. We should never stop reading the manual.
The Holy Spirit, who enables our decision making; and provides the affirmation of Freedom in Christ.
Being a Christian is the greatest freedom we can have.
“So, if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36
Photo by NICHOLAS BYRNE on Unsplash