“…so that he tore the lion apart with his bare hands. But he told neither his father or his mother what he had done.” (Judges 14:6)
Carl Beech went Dutch in April and the men at Redeemer Church in The Hague were the beneficiaries of his challenging message on Money, Power and Sex (or if you prefer: Gold, Glory and Girls!). Carl used the words above in his preaching and they have stayed with me as I face my own lions in both my public and private life.
In the passage above Samson is in breach of his Nazarite vow and from this point on its downhill to Judges 16:20 and one of the most chilling verses in the Bible (?) “…But he did not know the Lord had left him.”
Small deviations in our walk on the narrow path can quickly have us using a shovel to widen the path.
When we hold back our time, treasure and talents; when we listen to the lies of the secular and materialistic world; when we hunt for power and status; or when we succumb to our sexual desires online or outside of marriage. Whenever God is not first in our lives we risk giving the devil a bridgehead or foothold.
We are the spiritual custodians of our families and corporately in our congregations, with the power to bring spiritual life or death. Our anointing is precious and the devil is hungry to pounce and knock us down.
Don’t flirt with lions!