I have had 2 recent business trips, one to Amsterdam and one to Frankfurt. On the flights they have just enough time to give you a snack and a drink.
Flying economy means that the snack is somewhat minimalist. On one flight it was a sausage salad, another it was half a sandwich, however one snack made a lasting impression on me. It was a packet of little savoury cheese biscuits with the words “Delicious Snack” boldly declared on the front.
When I read the ingredients (there was nothing else to do), I discovered it contained a long list of “E” numbers and definitely no cheese included. (Is there an E number for cheese)? The simple thought struck me that
labelling something as “delicious” does not make the contents delicious.
During the Amsterdam trip we stayed in a hotel that was handy for the station, it was also handy for a variety of restaurants. However, it was less helpful with it being closer to a lot of establishments offering services your pastor / minister / wife would not approve of.
It was a strange mix of a beautiful old city with canals and tourism mixed up with brightly presented sleaze.
It reminded me of the snack – it said it was delicious; however the packet contained something fake and artificial. I suppose it’s a principle that applies to all of us!
“what is on the outside should also be on the inside or putting it another way, what is inside us should be seen on the outside.”
Let you light shine.