Age means you are still valuable
Saga is that well known organisation that focuses on the over 50’s and is often the butt of a comedian’s jokes but a recent survey has calculated that middle age doesn’t start until you have reached 53. Also it has been said that life begins at 60.
In this September’s edition of Saga Magazine an interview with HRH Prince Charles’s is published and the interview tells us that he said “The wisdom and experience of age are not always valued as they should be.” The article continued with seeking Prince Charles’s views on various matters relating to those over 50. In response to a question “Do you think older people are undervalued in today’s society” he replied “ …there is a tendency in our modern Western society for a fascination with everything new and novel, at the expense of wisdom and experience age gives.” Considering what he has said we should see this as an opportunity to use our experience.
About the same time as the interview with Prince Charles I came across in a devotional written by Rick Warren titled “Age should speak out and the Young pay attention” and in which he encouraged us to see that God wants to use our experience to help others and to be someone in whom they can trust and as Sondermann & Gardner state in their book “Men’s Work in the 21st century men’s ministry is One man walking with another”
Paul wrote to Titus in Titus 2v2:
“Teach older men to exercise self control, to be worthy of respect and to live wisely. They must have sound faith and be filled with love and patience.” (New Living Translation)
Reading this verse gives you the feeling that age is still valuable and has much to give. God has a job for us that is commensurate with our experience and wants us to use our experience to share it with others.
Over 50 and you feel you have something to give then check out the CVM web site for details of an event in Chesterfield on the 12th of October. NUMBERS ARE LIMITED and booking is essential.