Have you ever found yourself crying out ‘Lord I’m stuck in the desert, where are you? I feel so alone and you seem so far away.’ Or have there been times of pain and hurt when you feel so angry and confused, your prayers seem to go unanswered and there is no end in sight?
Well, it seems that no matter how much we pray and cry out, we can’t pray away God’s seasons. God has a plan and a purpose for our lives and this involves going through seasons of success and seasons of struggle.
God has a bigger picture and we have our part in it but we need to be pruned, have our pride destroyed, to know that, ‘we are not sufficient’ ( 2 Cor. 3:5), to let our flesh die so we have room for the spirit to grow and have amazing growth … so we need to realise we can’t skip a season, it’s too important for you, for God.
So what do we do, how do we get through the seasons? Well the first thing is to recognise where you are, which season you are in and believe God has not deserted you. Trust, hold steady, be patient, wait in God’s timing.(Hab. 2:3) Don’t ask, ‘Why?’ instead ask ‘What can I learn, Lord, through this?’
So seize the season, don’t fight it, let your faith and dependence on God grow.
Turn your complaints into praise and step with growing confidence into God’s amazing purpose for your life … for His plans will come to pass.